Monday, March 31, 2014

Gas Station 7

I textured the train and then the rest of the buildings

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Gas Station 6

 I started texturing the gas pumps and the garage

Gas Station 5

I finished modeling the whole scene and put a checkered texture on them to easily UV the objects

Monday, March 10, 2014

Gas Station 4

I then focus on the train since i knew that would take the longest and most detailed part of the modeling. the train in the photos didn't have every angle of the train so I looked up models of trains like it and put up a creative mechanism for it.

Gas Station 3

I start focus modeling on the gas pump since that is the smallest and it would be good to size up the proportions by them.

Gas Station 2

I started outlining everything to see how it will generally look like.

Gas Station

So for my gas station project I wanted to have and older gas station like the 1940's European gas station and add the oriental express in there to have a murder train theme going on. I want to have the train stopped and looks like there is an investigation going on right next to the gas station. here are some starting reference pictures of the scene.